Tagged "Kubernetes"

Extending the Kubernetes API

Kubernetes offers various ways to add custom functionalities and to modify the way built-in features work. Today I want to talk about extending Kubernetes by using custom resources and controllers. Let’s take a close look at how to do that, but first a quick story! Why extending Kubernetes As I mentioned in my previous post, my journey on the cloud began with Google App Engine. As a developer, I was pretty happy with the path to production of the service.

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer and Administrator Certifications

After a few years of daily work with Kubernetes, I decided to become a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) as well as a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). As I’ve just taken and successfully passed the exams, I figured this was a good opportunity for a story. My background experience My first steps with Kubernetes go back a few years ago, when I began experiencing on Google Cloud Platform and was amazed by how easy and fun it was to deploy applications on Google App Engine.