Tagged "Politics"

How my programming skills helped me to become better with my personal finances (part 1)

About two years ago I moved from France to Canada which raised some questions regarding how I would manage money. Some of them had to do with how taxes work. I also wondered what portion of my euros I should convert and transfer to my Canadian bank account. But the question I was most eager to solve was how much money it was going to cost me to maintain a train of life similar to the one I had in France.

Le Moment le Plus Triste du Z Event 2022 🇫🇷

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The Saddest Moment of the Z Event 2022

It was when president Macron tweeted about it, and here is why. First and foremost, quoting Wikipedia for those who might not have heard about it. The Z Event is a francophone charity project created by Adrien Nougaret and Alexandre Dachary (respectively known under the pseudonyms ZeratoR and Dach) whose goal is to bring together French streamers to collect donations that will support a charity. Organized on the Twitch streaming site, it has raised more money than any other french video gaming event.